My Story…

Hello, I’d love to introduce myself and share my healing journey with you and how it led me to the work I do today. It has been a truly miraculous and transformational experience.

“I don’t know” has never sat well with me. I’ve always believed everything happens for a reason, which led me on a deep quest for health and healing. I began my career with degrees in Health Science and Sociology, eventually earning a graduate degree in Public Health. Yet, even with all this education, I was left with more questions than answers. Being told, “there is no cure or just take this pill,” not to mention the “you are just getting older” also did not resonate with me. Science and society have long conditioned us to believe that illness is a consequence of personal failure— we ate the wrong foods, drank too much, did sleep enough, or did not exercise enough, etc…  While some of this holds truth, I knew that couldn’t be the full picture. There was more to this story— something crucial was missing… 

I have been on my own healing journey most of my life. I did everything that science and society told me to do to be healthy— and yet, I became even sicker, experiencing both physical and emotional pain. While I was in graduate school, I was throwing up every night. I saw multiple specialists, went to the emergency room several times and was eventually diagnosed with acid reflux. They prescribed medications but nothing worked— I was still throwing up. Their next solution… “lose weight”. I was only slightly overweight, but I still lost nearly 40 pounds. And yet was still sick!  During my hospital visits doctors asked wildly inappropriate and accusatory questions about my sexual health and eating and drinking behavior, yet they never ran tests to see what was actually wrong and not one time did they ask me about the immense stress I was under. Flash forward 14 years and I am having gallbladder removal surgery. I had been having gallbladder attacks for years (the throwing up) until my gallbladder literally turned to stone, they call this a porcelain gallbladder. This, however, was not found out until I was in surgery and the surgeon could not break up my gallbladder to remove it laparoscopically. This relatively easy, outpatient surgery turned into a very tricky and dangerous surgery that required a hospital stay and tubes coming out of my abdomen for months in order to repair the damage to my digestive system. My surgeon was brilliant, and I am so grateful for his skills but had doctors years ago done their due diligence, I may not have ended up in such a severe situation. This experience solidified what I had long suspected…our medical system often fails to truly listen, investigate and treat the whole person. This revelation fueled my deeper exploration into true healing, beyond conventional medicine.

For years, I also suffered from chronic pain throughout my body —Fibromyalgia, chronic constipation, food intolerances to almost everything, sleep issues and nearly daily migraine headaches. Once again, doctors had no real answers. Instead, they handed me prescription after prescription, saying, “let's try this and see if it works” or simply advising me to take pain killers and sleeping pills. I wasn’t thrilled to be a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry. I wanted real healing, not just a temporary fix or another medication to mask the symptoms.

Fortunately, through my work in public health, I had the opportunity to study and apply the principles of the Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACE’s). This was a major breakthrough for me— it all started to make sense!  Traumatic experiences in childhood can create deep-seated emotions like anger, resentment, fear, shame, abandonment, guilt, grief, etc. If these emotions are not acknowledged and released/dealt with, they can remain trapped in the body, manifesting as pain and chronic disease. Then I discovered the world of Epigenetics, and this was a game changer! I learned that trauma doesn’t just affect individuals- it can be passed down from generations. The pain, grief, fear, abandonment, famine, war, and the suffering our ancestors endured can leave an imprint on our DNA, potentially influencing our health and wellbeing. This realization was liberating. It confirmed what I had long suspected .. disease is not simply about personal choices; it is also about unprocessed emotions, inherited trauma, and the deep connections between mind, body and spirit.

There I was crying every day, in constant pain, overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, with no clear path to healing. Science had only begun to touch on these deeper causes, there still were no answers or solid solutions. I reached a breaking point. I had enough of feeling this way. In a moment of clarity, I made the biggest and best decision of my life— I quit my job and embarked on a healing and spiritual journey. I knew there had to be more to all of this, and I was determined to heal myself! 

I canceled my weekly chiropractor membership and completely overhauled my lifestyle. I cleaned up my diet —focusing on organic whole foods— eliminating processed foods, alcohol, grains and added sugars. I eased into exercising with stretching, fascia work, yoga, and walking (due to all the pain in my body at that time). I committed to daily meditation, preferably outside when possible. I started a gratitude practice, kept a daily journal documenting everything. I prayed every day, and actively practiced forgiveness, compassion and understanding— for both myself and others. I made it a priority to seek joy and open my heart. At the start of this journey if you had asked me what brought me joy, I wouldn’t have been able to name a single thing.

As with everything in my life… I threw myself fully into this pursuit. I read books, listened to speakers, attended workshops, summits and trainings. I immersed myself in learning about energy medicine and discovered that our bodies— and everything around us— is made up of energy. Through studying quantum physics, I came to understand how all energy is interconnected. I also learned that we are all psychic, whether we realize it or not. We are born with the ability to communicate telepathically—something we see babies and animals show us every day. We all have the capacity to see, know, and feel beyond the physical world. But many shut down these abilities as children. Maybe we were told, “we were imagining things”, especially if what we perceived did not align with religious or societal beliefs. Or perhaps we had an experience that scared us so much we never wanted to see, know, or feel in that way again. Whatever the reason, most of us have disconnected from our intuitive gifts and in doing so form our divine connection.

 After all this inner work…something incredible happened—one day during mediation, I began having telepathic conversations with my guides. Their messages were clear, loving and profound. At first, I questioned whether I was imagining it or even losing my mind. Then I had a healing session with a Medical Intuitive. Everything she shared and facilitated, alongside her healing team, including Jesus, Saint Germain, Archangel Rapheal to name few, was truly miraculous. Not long after Jesus and Saint Germaine began communicating with me directly, followed by Mother Mary, Archangel Raphael, some ancestor guides, and Metatron and Melchizedek. This experience deepened my connection to divine wisdom and reaffirmed I was on the right path.

I then learned how to incorporate Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to communicate with my own body/higher self, discovering exactly what it needed and didn’t need. Over time, I also became able to connect with others’ higher selves and bodies helping them release emotional and physical blockages. By clearing ancestral and childhood trauma, I witnessed people experiencing relief from deep seated pain. This was fascinating and mind boggling, but it aligned perfectly with Quantum Physics—where everything is energy, and we are all connected. 

Then my healer and teacher offered a Medical Intuitive Quantum Healing certification course. My first thoughts were… I am not skilled enough to do this. However, I had already received guidance from the divine that I was to be a healer and have my own business, so I took the leap and went all in.

You may be asking, how am I doing on my healing journey at this point… Well, no more chiropractor appointments, or pain meds. My digestive issues and constipation are a thing of the past and I cannot even remember the last time I had a migraine.  Even more profound is…I feel joy and excitement every day. I have an open heart and share my feelings freely. Big difference from when I started this journey,

So here I am today, healed and a healer! I knew there was more… and now I know what that is… 

Chronic health conditions may be caused by many factors which include: 

1. Trapped emotions in our body from our childhood experiences (ACE’s).

2. Ancestors' experiences and trauma are passed down through DNA and we have control over the expression of those genes (Epigenetics).

3. How we love and treat our bodies (our bodies are our consciousness in physical form).

4. Finally, and most importantly, our connection to a higher power. I am not talking about a religion, I am talking about believing you are in the presence of the divine, that you are supported, loved, and guided and that you have a soul purpose that includes bringing your gifts of love and light to the world.   

I hope you enjoyed my story. In closing…

You are loved! 

You are enough! 


You can be healed!