My Story…

Hello.. I would like to introduce myself and share my healing journey with you and how I came to do the work I do today. It truly has been a miraculous and beautiful experience. I also believe we all have the ability to heal ourselves and live our lives with joy and enthusiasm. 

“I don’t know” has never sat well with me. Things do not happen for no reason! There has to be a reason! This led me on my quest for health and healing. I started my career with degrees in Health Science and Sociology and finally a graduate degree in Public Health. All this education and still so many unanswered questions to “Why?” “Just because”, or “you are just getting older” also did not resonate with me. Science and society have basically told us, FOREVER, we are sick because we did something wrong… we ate wrong, we drank too much, did not get enough sleep, did not exercise enough, etc… etc..  Again, as a science person that was trained in the sciences of health, while some of this rang true, this could not be the full picture. There was more to this story that we were missing… 

I have been on my own healing journey most of my life. I did everything that science and society told us to do to be healthy, and guess what I got LESS healthy and was in more physical and emotional pain. When I was in graduate school, I was throwing up every night. I went to many specialists and the emergency room several times and was told I have acid reflux, so they put me on medications that did not work; still throwing up. They told me to lose weight (I was only slightly overweight, but still lost nearly 40 pounds) and guess what.. I was still sick!  At the hospital the Dr. 's would ask wildly inappropriate and accusatory questions about my sexual health and eating and drinking behavior. They would not run any tests to see what was actually wrong with me or even ask me any questions about the stress I was under. Well flash forward 14 years and I am having gallbladder removal surgery. I had been having gallbladder attacks for years (the throwing up) until my gallbladder literally turned to stone, they call this a porcelain gallbladder. This, however, was not found out until I was in surgery and the surgeon could not break up my gallbladder to remove it laparoscopically. This relatively easy, outpatient surgery turned into a very tricky and dangerous surgery that required a hospital stay and tubes coming out of my abdomen for months in order to repair the damage to my digestive system. My surgeon was brilliant, and I am so grateful for his skills!

In all these years.. I have also had chronic pain everywhere in my body (Fibromyalgia), chronic constipation, intolerances to pretty much every food, sleep issues and migraine headaches almost daily. Doctors, again, did not know what was wrong… so they gave me prescription after prescription saying, “well let's try this prescription, maybe it will work” or “just take pain relievers and sleeping pills”. I was not thrilled to be a guinea pig for the pharmaceutical industry. 

Fortunately, from my work in public health I found opportunities to study and put into practice the Adverse Childhood Experiences study (ACE’s). Wow, this opened a new door for me that MADE SENSE!  When we are young, traumatic childhood experiences may have created emotions of: anger, resentment, fear, shame, abandonment, guilt, grief, etc. and these emotions, if not released/dealt with, can stay in our bodies causing pain and chronic disease. Ok, so emotions and how we deal with them plays a role; this makes sense! Then I was fortunate enough to learn about Epigenetics. Wow, game changer! So what has happened to our ancestors: (trauma, grief, fear, abandonment, famine, war, etc.) and the emotions they felt during those horrible experiences may be passed down to us in our DNA and thus our bodies. Ok, so I now know that disease is not all our fault. 

So there I was crying every day, in pain and feeling stressed and anxious without a clue on how to fix ME. The science had just touched on these causes, there still were no answers or solid solutions. I finally had had enough of feeling this way. I quit my job, the biggest and best decision I ever made, and went on my own healing and spiritual journey. I knew there had to be more to all of this and I was going to figure it out. I was going to heal myself! 

I canceled my weekly chiropractor membership , I completely cleaned up my diet (focusing on buying organic, no processed foods, no alcohol, and removing all grains and sugar). I started exercising slowly with stretching, fascia work, yoga, and walking (due to all the pain in my body at that time). I started meditating daily; outside when possible. I started a gratitude practice, kept a daily journal about everything, I prayed daily, and I practiced forgiveness, compassion and understanding for myself and others. I focused on finding joy and opening my heart. At the time I started this journey I could not tell you one thing I actually enjoyed.

So, like everything else in my life… I put everything into this pursuit. I read the books, listened to the speakers, attended the workshops, summits and trainings. I learned about Energy Medicine and that our bodies and everything around us is made up of energy. I learned about Quantum Physics and how all this energy is connected. If you are an empath, you will understand this. I also learned that we are all psychic, whether we know it or not. We all came into this world with abilities to communicate telepathically (babies and animals show this to us every day). We all have the ability to see things, know things, and feel things. Many of us shut these abilities down as children due to being told, “we were making it up”, especially if our abilities did not align with our religion. Maybe we even had an experience that scared us so much that we never wanted to see, know, or feel again. Whatever the reason, sometimes not even known to us, most of us have shut off our connection to our abilities and the divine. 

 After all this work…one day I started telepathically having conversations with my guides during my meditations. The conversations were very clear and loving. At first, of course, I thought maybe I was going crazy! Then I had a healing session with Debrah Goetz (my Medical Intuitive teacher). Everything she said and did with the help of her healing team of Jesus, Saint Germaine, and Archangel Raphael, to name a few, was miraculous. Soon after, Jesus and Saint Germaine started talking with me as well as Mother Mary, some ancestor guides, and Metatron and Melchizedek.

I was now able to talk to people that had passed over to the other side.  Wow, things started happening quickly. 

I learned how to use Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) and was able to communicate with my own body/higher self; finding out what it needed and did not need. I also was able to communicate with other people's higher selves and bodies and help remove emotional and physical blockages relieving them of ancestral and early childhood trauma that was causing physical pain. This was fascinating, and while mind boggling, fully aligned with Quantum Physics, where we are all energy and are connected. 

Then my healer, Debrah Goetz offered a Medical Intuitive Quantum Healing certification course. Of course my first thoughts were… I am not skilled enough to do this, plus I do not have a job, can I justify spending this large amount of money on something like this? However, I had already received guidance from the divine that I was to be a healer and have my own business, so seeing as I wanted to be a healer in the way Debrah is; with Jesus, Saint Germaine, Mother Mary, and Archangel Raphael by my side, I decided this was my path and went all in!

You may be asking, how am I doing on my healing journey at this point… Well, no more chiropractor appointments, no pain meds, no longer taking any digestive and other supplements. My digestive issues and constipation are a thing of the past and I cannot even remember the last time I had a migraine.  Even more profound is…I feel joy and excitement every day. I have an open heart and share my feelings freely.  Big difference from when I started this journey, 1 year ago!


So here I am today, healed and a healer! I knew there was more… and now I know what that is… 

Chronic health conditions may be caused by many factors which include: 

1. Trapped emotions in our body from our childhood experiences (ACE’s).

2. Ancestors' experiences and trauma passed down through DNA (Epigenetics).

3. How we love and treat our bodies (our bodies are our consciousness in physical form).

4. Finally, and most importantly, our connection to a higher power. I am not talking about a religion, I am talking about believing you are in the presence of the divine, that you are supported, loved, and guided and that you have a soul purpose that includes bringing your gifts of love and light to the world.   

I hope you enjoyed my story. In closing…

You are loved! 

You are enough! 


You can be healed!