Frequently asked questions.

What I do: As a Medical/Health Intuitive I connect to the client’s higher-self through the quantum and with the use of applied kinesiology/muscle testing, I identify areas of dis-ease in the body, mind, and spirit. I then bring in the Healing Masters to perform the healing. As the healing is taking place, I explain to the client what I am seeing, hearing and feeling, as dis-ease is being transmuted and harmony, alignment and balance are being restored.

What sessions look and feel like: The sessions are provided over Zoom and are recorded. Each session is individual to the clients needs. The Healing Masters know what the client needs at that time and will perform those healing tasks during the session. The Healing Masters give me beautiful images and messages while performing the healing to share with the client. Often (but not always) clients feel the energy in the areas where the healing is taking place. The energy may feel like a vibration, tingle or goosebumps. You may also feel cold, or hot or may even have an image come into consciousness in the area the healing is taking place. This process enables the client to have a relaxing, beautiful, and magical experience.

Benefit of receiving a session:

1.   The most important aspect of these sessions is that you get to meet the Healing Masters that are with you all the time and you get to experience and feel their love. An introduction is made so you can experience their healing power and know you can call on them anytime you need help. In addition, the Healing Masters give you methods and suggestions to empower you to improve your health on your own.

2.   You will leave the session feeling loved and lighter. You will have your vibration lifted and will experience less dis-ease and more flow in the body.

What to expect after a healing session:

1.   Most of the time clients feel amazing/loved/lighter and may even notice changes right away.

2.   In some cases, it may take 3-5 days to notice the changes as the body is catching up to the frequency changes provided in the healing.

3.   With the clearing of dis-ease in the body, clients may feel worse for a short time as the body is acclimating to the change in frequency and the old is being replaced with the new. 

How to maintain the healing:

1.   Implementing suggestions given during the sessions can help to continue the healing process over time.

2.   If a client has many healing needs or has had dis-ease for many years, more than one healing session will be needed to address all areas of concern.

3.   For ultimate healing…. letting go of the pain/shame/guilt/grief/anger/fear etc… of the past and forgiving yourself and others in instrumental and cannot be stressed enough. When you forgive you let in all that can be. Without forgiveness and letting go of the past, the frequency will eventually go back to before the session and the client will find themselves in a dis-ease cycle again and again.