Are you a “Chosen One?”

Recently I listened to a YouTube video post in a group I belong to that was titled Why Chosen Ones Cannot Be Around a Lot of People. Right away I felt a physical reaction to the word “Chosen.” The message in the video seemed to be very profound and explained how many sensitive souls/empaths have a hard time in the mainstream due to our search for meaningful and authentic connections. This part of the message absolutely rang true for me. I have felt like an outsider my whole life and could not understand why. For most of my life… I believed if I people pleased, was pretty enough, educated enough, worked hard enough, and put a smile on my face even when I felt sad and depressed that people would like me. This DID NOT work! Unfortunately, this feeling of inauthentic connection with others often leads many to live a life of isolation, feeling like they do not fit in with the thoughts, beliefs, interests and actions of their peers. Do any of you resonate with this as well?

With that being said… the part of the video that I struggled with was the word “Chosen!” In my knowing… the truth is we are all chosen, we all have a path and role to play, and we are all inextricable connected in the oneness of the Universe. To use the word “Chosen” to me means separation or duality and in the universal law of the Quantum there is no separation or better/less than. Some people may awaken to the flow state of reality, and a resonance in the vibration and frequency of love and light, but that does not make them “chosen.” Everyone has this inherent ability to be in this resonance and align to their higher self. So, if you are still on this journey of awakening to the oneness of the Universe, I have a few tips.

  1. See others through the eyes of connection not separation or differences.

  2. Let go of judgment of self and others.

  3. Go within and meet your authentic self.

  4. Let go of the need to fit in with the mainstream.

  5. Trust in a higher power that loves you unconditionally.

  6. Open yourself up to infinite possibilities of the most bright, loving and connected future for all.

    So, what I have figured out on my journey is…fitting-in is not the answer! We all have our gifts and unique light, just be you, that is what is needed in the world and how your tribe will find you.

    We are all chosen!

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    Have a blessed day and thank you for reading.